Running Simulations

The class PyLTSpice.SimRunner allows launching LTSpice simulations from a Python script, thus allowing to overcome the 3 dimensions STEP limitation on LTSpice, update resistor values, or component models. It also allows to simulate several simulations in parallel, thus speeding up the time a set of simulations would take.

The class PyLTSpice.SpiceEditor described in Reading and Manipulating Netlists allows to modify the netlist.

The code snipped below will simulate a circuit with two different diode models, set the simulation temperature to 80 degrees, and update the values of R1 and R2 to 3.3k.

from PyLTSpice import SimRunner, SpiceEditor, LTspice

runner = SimRunner(output_folder='./temp_batch3', simulator=LTspice)  # Configures the simulator to use and output
# folder

netlist = SpiceEditor("Batch_Test.asc")  # Open the Spice Model, and creates the .net
# set default arguments
netlist.set_parameters(res=0, cap=100e-6)
netlist.set_component_value('R2', '2k')  # Modifying the value of a resistor
netlist.set_component_value('R1', '4k')
netlist.set_element_model('V3', "SINE(0 1 3k 0 0 0)")  # Modifying the
netlist.set_component_value('XU1:C2', 20e-12)  # modifying a
# define simulation
        "; Simulation settings",
        ".param run = 0"

for opamp in ('AD712', 'AD820'):
    netlist.set_element_model('XU1', opamp)
    for supply_voltage in (5, 10, 15):
        netlist.set_component_value('V1', supply_voltage)
        netlist.set_component_value('V2', -supply_voltage)
        # overriding he automatic netlist naming
        run_netlist_file = "{}_{}_{}.net".format(, opamp, supply_voltage)
        raw, log = runner.run_now(netlist, run_filename=run_netlist_file)
        # Process here the simulation results

In this example we are are using the SpiceEditor instantiation ‘netlist’ by passing an .asc file. When receiving an .asc file, it will use LTSpice to create the corresponding .net file and read it into memory.

Follows a series of function calls to ‘netlist’ that update the netlist in memory. The method set_parameters(<param_name>, <param_value>) updates the values of .PARAM definitions, the method set_component_value(<element_id>, <element_value>) will update values of R, L and C elements, in this example we are updating only resistors. The method set_element_model() sets the values of a voltage source ‘V3’ and so on.

Then we pass the object to the runner.run_now() method. By doing so, it will first write the netlist to the path indicated by the output folder indicated as parameter in the SimRunner instantiation, then will launch LTSpice to execute the simulation.

Although this works well, it is not very efficient on the processor usage. A simulation is ended before another one is started. An alternative method to this is presented in the next section.


For making better use of today’s computer capabilities, the SimRunner can spawn several LTSpice instances each executing in parallel a simulation. This is exemplified in the modified example below.

from PyLTSpice import SimRunner, SpiceEditor, LTspice

def processing_data(raw_file, log_file):
    """This is the function that will process the data from simulations"""
    print("Handling the simulation data of %s, log file %s" % (raw_file, log_file))

# Configures the simulator to use and output folder. Also defines the number of parallel simulations
runner = SimRunner(output_folder='./temp_batch3', simulator=LTspice, parallel_sims=4)

netlist = SpiceEditor("Batch_Test.asc")  # Open the Spice Model, and creates the .net
# set default arguments
netlist.set_parameters(res=0, cap=100e-6)
netlist.set_component_value('R2', '2k')  # Modifying the value of a resistor
netlist.set_component_value('R1', '4k')
netlist.set_element_model('V3', "SINE(0 1 3k 0 0 0)")  # Modifying the
netlist.set_component_value('XU1:C2', 20e-12)  # modifying a
# define simulation
        "; Simulation settings",
        ".param run = 0"

for opamp in ('AD712', 'AD820'):
    netlist.set_element_model('XU1', opamp)
    for supply_voltage in (5, 10, 15):
        netlist.set_component_value('V1', supply_voltage)
        netlist.set_component_value('V2', -supply_voltage)
        # overriding he automatic netlist naming
        run_netlist_file = "{}_{}_{}.net".format(, opamp, supply_voltage)
        # This will launch up to 'parallel_sims' simulations in background before waiting for resources, run_filename=run_netlist_file, callback=processing_data)

# This will wait for the all the simulations launched before to complete.
# The timeout counter is reset everytime a simulation is finished.

# Sim Statistics
print('Successful/Total Simulations: ' + str(runner.okSim) + '/' + str(runner.runno))

If the parallel_sims parallel simulations is not given, it defaults to 4. This means that a fifth simulation will only start when one of the other 4 is finished. If parallel_sims needs to be adjusted according to the computer capabilities. If resources are abundant, this number can be set to a higher number. If set for example to 16, it means that the 17th simulation will wait for another one to finish before starting. Another way of bypassing this behaviour is just by setting the parameter wait_resource=False to False, wait_resource=False)

Finally we see in the example the runner.wait_completion() method. This method will wait for the completion of all the pending jobs. The usage of wait_completion() is recommended if the further steps on the script require that all the simulations are done.

An alternative to wait_completion is to use an iterator as exemplified here:

runner = SimRunner(output_folder='./temp_batch3', simulator=LTspice)  # Configures the simulator to use and output
# folder

netlist = SpiceEditor("Batch_Test.asc")  # Open the Spice Model, and creates the .net

for opamp in ('AD712', 'AD820'):
    netlist.set_element_model('XU1', opamp)
    for supply_voltage in (5, 10, 15):
        netlist.set_component_value('V1', supply_voltage)
        netlist.set_component_value('V2', -supply_voltage), run_filename=run_netlist_file)

# runner.wait_completion()
for raw_file, log_file in runner:
    if raw_file:
        # process the raw file information
        print("Processed the raw file in the main thread")

print(f'Successful/Total Simulations: {runner.okSim} /{runner.runno}')


The methods above are alright for tasks that don’t require much computational effort, or there is a small risk that the the processing fails. If this is not the case, then executing the processing of simulation results on the background thread may make sense. This not only speeds up the process, but, it also avoids crashing the program, when a simulation among hundreds fails for some reason.

For this purpose, the user can define a call back function and pass it to the run() function using the callback parameter. The callback function is called when the simulation has finished directly by the thread that has handling the simulation. A function callback receives two arguments. The RAW file and the LOG file names. Below is an example of a callback function.

def processing_data(raw_filename, log_filename):
    '''This is a call back function that just prints the filenames'''
    print("Simulation Raw file is %s. The log is %s" % (raw_filename, log_filename)
    # Other code below either using or
    log_info = LTSpiceLogReader(log_filename)
    rise, measures = log_info.dataset["rise_time"]
    return rise, measures

Callback functions can be either passed directly to the run function, and they are called once the simulation is finished.

There are two ways of passing a callback function depending on whether we want it to be executed as a Thread or as a Process. The key differences is that Threads are executed on the same memory space and therefore on the same core. Processes are executed in completely different memory spaces and different processor resources. Processes are slower to start, so, it’s usage is only justified when parsing simulation results is really costly.

The callback functions are optional. As seen in the previous sections, if no callback function is given, the thread is terminated just after the simulation is finished.


In order to use threads, it suffices to include the name of the function with the named parameter callback.

for supply_voltage in (5, 10, 15):
    netlist.set_component_value('V1', supply_voltage)
    netlist.set_component_value('V2', -supply_voltage), callback=processing_data)

for rise, measures in runner:
    print("The return of the callback function is ", rise, measures)


In order to use processes, the callback function needs to be encapsulated as a static method in a subclass of the special class called ProcessCallback and very importantly, all the code used to prepare and launch the simulation should be inside a if __name__ == "__main__": clause.

The reason for this is that since the module is going to be imported two times, first by the python.exe __main__ function and multiple times after by python processes searching for ProcessCallback subclass. The equivalent of the previous code using processes looks like this.

from PyLTSpice.sim.process_callback import ProcessCallback  # Importing the ProcessCallback class type

class CallbackProc(ProcessCallback):
    """Class encapsulating the callback function. It can have whatever name."""

    @staticmethod  # This decorator defines the callback as a static method, i.e., it doesn't receive the `self`.
    def callback(raw_file, log_file):  # This function must be called callback
        '''This is a call back function that just prints the filenames'''
        print("Simulation Raw file is %s. The log is %s" % (raw_filename, log_filename)
        # Other code below either using or
        log_info = LTSpiceLogReader(log_filename)
        rise, measures = log_info.dataset["rise_time"]
        return rise, measures

if __name__ == "__main__":  # The code below must be only executed once.
                            # Without this clause, it doesn't work. Don't forget to indent ALL the code below
    runner = SimRunner(output_folder='./temp', simulator=LTspice)  # Configures the output folder and simulator
    for supply_voltage in (5, 10, 15):
        netlist.set_component_value('V1', supply_voltage)
        netlist.set_component_value('V2', -supply_voltage), callback=CallbackProc)

    for rise, measures in runner:
        print("The return of the callback function is ", rise, measures)

The ProcessCallback class which is imported from PyLTSpice.sim.process_callback already defines the __init__ function and creates all the environment for the calling and callback function, and creates the Queue used to pipe the result back to the main process.

Processing of simulation outputs

The previous sections described the way to launch simulations. The way to parse the simulation results contained in the RAW files are described in Reading Raw Files. For parsing information contained in the LOG files, which contain information about measurements done with .MEAS primitives, is implemented by the class PyLTSpice.SpiceEditor