Source code for PyLTSpice.sim.simulator

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#    ____        _   _____ ____        _
#   |  _ \ _   _| | |_   _/ ___| _ __ (_) ___ ___
#   | |_) | | | | |   | | \___ \| '_ \| |/ __/ _ \
#   |  __/| |_| | |___| |  ___) | |_) | | (_|  __/
#   |_|    \__, |_____|_| |____/| .__/|_|\___\___|
#          |___/                |_|
# Name:
# Purpose:     Creates a virtual class for representing all Spice Simulators
# Author:      Nuno Brum (
# Created:     23-12-2016
# Licence:     refer to the LICENSE file
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import sys
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
import subprocess

if sys.version_info.major >= 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 6:
    def run_function(command, timeout=None):
        """Normalizing OS subprocess function calls between different platforms. This function is used for python 3.6
        and higher versions."""
        result =, timeout=timeout)
        return result.returncode

    def run_function(command, timeout=None):
        """Normalizing OS subprocess function calls between different platforms. This is the old function that was used
        for python version prior to 3.6"""
        return, timeout=timeout)

class SpiceSimulatorError(Exception):
    """Generic Simulator Error Exceptions"""

[docs]class Simulator(ABC): """Pure static class template for Spice simulators. This class only defines the interface of the subclasses. The variables below shall be overridden by the subclasses. Instantiating this class will raise a SpiceSimulatorError exception. A typical subclass for a Windows installation is: .. code-block:: python class MySpiceWindowsInstallation(Simulator): spice_exe = ['<path to your own ltspice installation>'] process_name = "<name of the process on Windows Task Manager>" or on a Linux distribution: .. code-block:: python class MySpiceLinuxInstallation(Simulator): spice_exe = ['<wine_command', '<path to your own ltspice installation>'] process_name = "<name of the process>" The subclasses should then implement at least the run() function as a classmethod. .. code-block:: python @classmethod def run(cls, netlist_file, cmd_line_switches, timeout): '''This method implements the call for the simulation of the netlist file. ''' cmd_run = cls.spice_exe + ['-Run'] + ['-b'] + [netlist_file] + cmd_line_switches return run_function(cmd_run, timeout=timeout) The ``run_function()`` can be imported from the with ``from PyLTSpice.sim.simulator import run_function`` instruction. """ spice_exe = [] process_name = "" raw_extension = '.raw'
[docs] @classmethod def create_from(cls, path_to_exe, process_name=None): """ Creates a simulator class from a path to the simulator executable :param path_to_exe: :type path_to_exe: pathlib.Path or str :param process_name: assigning a process_name to be used for killing phantom processes :return: a class instance representing the Spice simulator :rtype: LTspice """ plib_path_to_exe = Path(path_to_exe) if plib_path_to_exe.exists(): if process_name is None: if sys.platform == 'darwin': cls.process_name = plib_path_to_exe.stem else: cls.process_name = else: cls.process_name = process_name cls.spice_exe = [plib_path_to_exe.as_posix()] return cls else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Provided exe file was not found '{path_to_exe}'")
def __init__(self): raise SpiceSimulatorError("This class is not supposed to be instanced.")
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def run(cls, netlist_file, cmd_line_switches, timeout): """This method implements the call for the simulation of the netlist file. This should be overriden by its subclass.""" ...
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def valid_switch(cls, switch, switch_param) -> list: """This method validates that a switch exist and is valid. This should be overriden by its subclass.""" ...