Source code for PyLTSpice.editor.spice_editor

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#    ____        _   _____ ____        _
#   |  _ \ _   _| | |_   _/ ___| _ __ (_) ___ ___
#   | |_) | | | | |   | | \___ \| '_ \| |/ __/ _ \
#   |  __/| |_| | |___| |  ___) | |_) | | (_|  __/
#   |_|    \__, |_____|_| |____/| .__/|_|\___\___|
#          |___/                |_|
# Name:
# Purpose:     Class made to update Generic Spice netlists
# Author:      Nuno Brum (
# Licence:     refer to the LICENSE file
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
from pathlib import Path
import re
import logging

from .base_editor import BaseEditor, format_eng, ComponentNotFoundError, ParameterNotFoundError, PARAM_REGEX, \

_logger = logging.getLogger("PyLTSpice.SpiceEditor")
from typing import Union, List, Callable, Any, Tuple
from ..utils.detect_encoding import detect_encoding

__author__ = "Nuno Canto Brum <>"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2021, Fribourg Switzerland"

END_LINE_TERM = '\n'  #: This controls the end of line terminator used
SUBCKT_DIVIDER = ':'  #: This controls the sub-circuit divider when setting component values inside sub-circuits.
# Ex: Editor.set_component_value('XU1:R1', '1k')

# A Spice netlist can only have one of the instructions below, otherwise an error will be raised

    'A': r"",  # Special Functions, Parameter substitution not supported
    'B': r"^(?P<designator>B§?[VI]?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){2})\s+(?P<value>.*)$",  # Behavioral source
    'C': r"^(?P<designator>C§?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){2})(?P<model>\s+\w+)?\s+(?P<value>({)?(?(6).*}|([0-9\.E+-]+(Meg|[kmuµnpf])?F?))).*$",
    # Capacitor
    'D': r"^(?P<designator>D§?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){2})\s+(?P<value>\w+).*$",  # Diode
    'E': r"^(?P<designator>E§?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){2,4})\s+(?P<value>.*)$",  # Voltage Dependent Voltage Source
    # this only supports changing gain values
    'F': r"^(?P<designator>F§?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){2})\s+(?P<value>.*)$",  # Current Dependent Current Source
    # This implementation replaces everything after the 2 first nets
    'G': r"^(?P<designator>G§?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){2,4})\s+(?P<value>.*)$",  # Voltage Dependent Current Source
    # This only supports changing gain values
    'H': r"^(?P<designator>H§?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){2})\s+(?P<value>.*)$",  # Voltage Dependent Current Source
    # This implementation replaces everything after the 2 first nets
    'I': r"^(?P<designator>I§?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){2})\s+(?P<value>.*)$",  # Current Source
    # This implementation replaces everything after the 2 first nets
    'J': r"^(?P<designator>J§?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){3})\s+(?P<value>\w+).*$",  # JFET
    'K': r"^(?P<designator>K§?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){2,4})\s+(?P<value>[\+\-]?[0-9\.E+-]+[kmuµnpf]?).*$",
    # Mutual Inductance
    'L': r"^(?P<designator>L§?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){2})\s+(?P<value>({)?(?(5).*}|([0-9\.E+-]+(Meg|[kmuµnpf])?H?))).*$",
    # Inductance
    'M': r"^(?P<designator>M§?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){3,4})\s+(?P<value>\w+).*$",
    # MOSFET TODO: Parameters substitution not supported
    'O': r"^(?P<designator>O§?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){4})\s+(?P<value>\w+).*$",
    # Lossy Transmission Line TODO: Parameters substitution not supported
    'Q': r"^(?P<designator>Q§?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){3,4})\s+(?P<value>\w+).*$",
    # Bipolar TODO: Parameters substitution not supported
    'R': r"^(?P<designator>R§?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){2})(?P<model>\s+\w+)?\s+(?P<value>(R=)?({)?(?(7).*}|([0-9\.E+-]+(Meg|[kmuµnpf])?R?)\d*)).*$",
    # Resistors
    'S': r"^(?P<designator>S§?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){4})\s+(?P<value>.*)$",  # Voltage Controlled Switch
    'T': r"^(?P<designator>T§?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){4})\s+(?P<value>.*)$",  # Lossless Transmission
    'U': r"^(?P<designator>U§?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){3})\s+(?P<value>.*)$",  # Uniform RC-line
    'V': r"^(?P<designator>V§?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){2})\s+(?P<value>.*)$",  # Voltage Source
    # This implementation replaces everything after the 2 first nets
    'W': r"^(?P<designator>W§?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){2})\s+(?P<value>.*)$",  # Current Controlled Switch
    # This implementation replaces everything after the 2 first nets
    'X': r"^(?P<designator>X§?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){1,99}?)\s+(?P<value>\w+)(\s+params:)?(?P<params>(\s+\w+\s*=\s*[\d\w\{\}\(\)\-\+\*/]+)*)\s*\\?$",
    # Sub-circuit, Parameter substitution not supported
    'Z': r"^(?P<designator>Z§?\w+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){3})\s+(?P<value>\w+).*$",
    # MESFET and IBGT. TODO: Parameters substitution not supported
    '@': r"^(?P<designator>@§?\d+)(?P<nodes>(\s+\S+){2})\s?(?P<params>(.*)*)$",
    # Frequency Noise Analysis (FRA) wiggler
    # pattern = r'^@(\d+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)(?:\s+delay=(\d+\w+))?(?:\s+fstart=(\d+\w+))?(?:\s+fend=(\d+\w+))?(?:\s+oct=(\d+))?(?:\s+fcoarse=(\d+\w+))?(?:\s+nmax=(\d+\w+))?\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+\w+)\s+(\d+)(?:\s+pp0=(\d+\.\d+))?(?:\s+pp1=(\d+\.\d+))?(?:\s+f0=(\d+\w+))?(?:\s+f1=(\d+\w+))?(?:\s+tavgmin=(\d+\w+))?(?:\s+tsettle=(\d+\w+))?(?:\s+acmag=(\d+))?$'


# Code Optimization objects, avoiding repeated compilation of regular expressions
component_replace_regexs = {prefix: re.compile(pattern, re.IGNORECASE) for prefix, pattern in REPLACE_REGXES.items()}
subckt_regex = re.compile(r"^.SUBCKT\s+(?P<name>\w+)", re.IGNORECASE)
lib_inc_regex = re.compile(r"^\.(LIB|INC)\s+(.*)$", re.IGNORECASE)

LibSearchPaths = []

def get_line_command(line) -> str:
    Retrives the type of SPICE command in the line.
    Starts by removing the leading spaces and the evaluates if it is a comment, a directive or a component.
    if isinstance(line, str):
        for i in range(len(line)):
            ch = line[i]
            if ch == ' ' or ch == '\t':
                ch = ch.upper()
                if ch in REPLACE_REGXES:  # A circuit element
                    return ch
                elif ch == '+':
                    return '+'  # This is a line continuation.
                elif ch in "#;*\n\r":  # It is a comment or a blank line
                    return "*"
                elif ch == '.':  # this is a directive
                    j = i + 1
                    while j < len(line) and (line[j] not in (' ', '\t', '\r', '\n')):
                        j += 1
                    return line[i:j].upper()
                    raise SyntaxError('Unrecognized command in line "%s"' % line)
    elif isinstance(line, SpiceCircuit):
        return ".SUBCKT"
        raise SyntaxError('Unrecognized command in line "{}"'.format(line))

def _first_token_upped(line):
    (Private function. Not to be used directly)
    Returns the first non-space character in the line. If a point '.' is found, then it gets the primitive associated.
    i = 0
    while i < len(line) and line[i] in (' ', '\t'):
        i += 1
    j = i
    while i < len(line) and not (line[i] in (' ', '\t')):
        i += 1
    return line[j:i].upper()

def _is_unique_instruction(instruction):
    (Private function. Not to be used directly)
    Returns true if the instruction is one of the unique instructions
    cmd = get_line_command(instruction)

class UnrecognizedSyntaxError(Exception):
    """Line doesn't match expected Spice syntax"""

    def __init__(self, line, regex):
        super().__init__(f'Line: "{line}" doesn\'t match regular expression "{regex}"')

class MissingExpectedClauseError(Exception):
    """Missing expected clause in Spice netlist"""

[docs]class SpiceCircuit(BaseEditor): """ The Spice Circuit represents sub-circuits within a SPICE circuit and since sub-circuits can have sub-circuits inside them, it serves as base for the top level netlist. See class SpiceEditor This hierarchical approach helps to encapsulate and protect parameters and components from edits made at a higher level. The netlist information is stored in a list, each element of the list corresponds to a SPICE instruction. If an instruction spawns more than a line with the '+' operator, it is contained in the same element. This class serves as subclass to the SpiceEditor class. """ def __init__(self): self.netlist = [] def _get_line_starting_with(self, substr: str) -> int: """Internal function. Do not use.""" # This function returns the line number that starts with the substr string. # If the line is not found, then -1 is returned. substr_upper = substr.upper() for line_no, line in enumerate(self.netlist): if isinstance(line, SpiceCircuit): # If it is a sub-circuit it will simply ignore it. continue line_upcase = _first_token_upped(line) if line_upcase == substr_upper: return line_no error_msg = "line starting with '%s' not found in netlist" % substr _logger.error(error_msg) raise ComponentNotFoundError(error_msg) def _add_lines(self, line_iter): """Internal function. Do not use. Add a list of lines to the netlist.""" for line in line_iter: cmd = get_line_command(line) if cmd == '.SUBCKT': sub_circuit = SpiceCircuit() sub_circuit.netlist.append(line) # Advance to the next non nested .ENDS finished = sub_circuit._add_lines(line_iter) if finished: self.netlist.append(sub_circuit) else: return False elif cmd == '+': assert len(self.netlist) > 0, "ERROR: The first line cannot be starting with a +" self.netlist[-1] += line # Appends to the last line else: self.netlist.append(line) if cmd[:4] == '.END': # True for either .END and .ENDS primitives return True # If an sub-circuit is ended correctly, returns True return False # If a sub-circuit ends abruptly, returns False
[docs] def write_lines(self, f): """Internal function. Do not use.""" # This helper function writes the contents of sub-circuit to the file f for command in self.netlist: if isinstance(command, SpiceCircuit): command.write_lines(f) else: f.write(command)
def _get_line_matching(self, command, search_expression: re.Pattern) -> Tuple[int, Union[re.Match, None]]: """ Internal function. Do not use. Returns a line starting with command and matching the search with the regular expression """ line_no = 0 while line_no < len(self.netlist): line = self.netlist[line_no] if isinstance(line, SpiceCircuit): # If it is a sub-circuit it will simply ignore it. line_no += 1 continue cmd = get_line_command(line) if cmd == command: match = if match: return line_no, match line_no += 1 return -1, None # If it fails, it returns an invalid line number and No match def _get_subckt(self, instance_name: str) -> 'SpiceCircuit': """Internal function. Do not use.""" global LibSearchPaths if SUBCKT_DIVIDER in instance_name: subckt_ref, sub_subckts = instance_name.split(SUBCKT_DIVIDER, 1) else: subckt_ref = instance_name line_no = self._get_line_starting_with(subckt_ref) sub_circuit_instance = self.netlist[line_no] regex = component_replace_regexs['X'] # The sub-circuit instance regex m = if m: subcircuit_name ='value') # last_token of the line before Params: else: raise UnrecognizedSyntaxError(sub_circuit_instance, REPLACE_REGXES['X']) line_no = 0 libs_list = [] sub_circuit = None while line_no < len(self.netlist): line = self.netlist[line_no] if isinstance(line, SpiceCircuit): if == subcircuit_name: sub_circuit = line # The circuit was already found break else: m = lib_inc_regex.match(line) if m: # For compatibility issues not using the walruss operator here libs_list.append( line_no += 1 if sub_circuit is None: # If we reached here is because the subciruit was not found. Search for it in declared libraries libs_list_full_path = [] for lib in libs_list: if os.path.exists(lib): libs_list_full_path.append(lib) continue lib_filename = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), "Documents\\LTspiceXVII\\lib\\sub", lib) if os.path.exists(lib_filename): libs_list_full_path.append(lib) continue for path in LibSearchPaths: lib_filename = os.path.join(path, lib) if os.path.exists(lib_filename): libs_list_full_path.append(lib_filename) continue # If it reached here, we have a valid lib_filename for lib_path in libs_list_full_path: sub_circuit = SpiceEditor.find_subckt_in_lib(lib_path, subcircuit_name) if sub_circuit: break if sub_circuit: if SUBCKT_DIVIDER in instance_name: return sub_circuit._get_subckt(sub_subckts) else: return sub_circuit else: # The search was not successful raise ComponentNotFoundError(f'Sub-circuit "{subcircuit_name}" not found') def _set_model_and_value(self, component, value): """Internal function. Do not use.""" prefix = component[0] # Using the first letter of the component to identify what is it regex = component_replace_regexs.get(prefix, None) # Obtain RegX to make the update if regex is None: error_msg = f"Component must start with one of these letters: {','.join(REPLACE_REGXES.keys())}\n" \ f"Got {component}" _logger.error(error_msg) return if isinstance(value, (int, float)): value = format_eng(value) line_no = self._get_line_starting_with(component) line = self.netlist[line_no] m = regex.match(line) if m is None: raise UnrecognizedSyntaxError(line, REPLACE_REGXES[prefix]) # print("Unsupported line ""{}""".format(line)) else: start = m.start('value') end = m.end('value') self.netlist[line_no] = line[:start] + value + line[end:]
[docs] def clone(self, **kwargs) -> 'SpiceCircuit': """ Creates a new copy of the SpiceCircuit. Change done at the new copy are not affecting the original :key new_name: The new name to be given to the circuit :key type new_name: str :return: The new replica of the SpiceCircuit object :rtype: SpiceCircuit """ clone = SpiceCircuit() clone.netlist = self.netlist.copy() clone.netlist.insert(0, "***** SpiceEditor Manipulated this sub-circuit ****" + END_LINE_TERM) clone.netlist.append("***** ENDS SpiceEditor ****" + END_LINE_TERM) new_name = kwargs.get('new_name', None) if new_name: # If it is different from None clone.setname(new_name) return clone
[docs] def name(self) -> str: """ Returns the name of the Sub-Circuit -> str. :rtype: str """ if len(self.netlist): for line in self.netlist: m = if m: return'name') else: raise RuntimeError("Unable to find .SUBCKT clause in subcircuit") else: raise RuntimeError("Empty Subcircuit")
[docs] def setname(self, new_name: str): """ Renames the sub-circuit to a new name. No check is done to the new game give. It is up to the user to make sure that the new name is valid. :param new_name: The new Name. :type new_name: str :return: Nothing :rtype: None """ if len(self.netlist): lines = len(self.netlist) line_no = 0 while line_no < lines: line = self.netlist[line_no] m = if m: # Replacing the name in the SUBCKT Clause start = m.start('name') end = m.end('name') self.netlist[line_no] = line[:start] + new_name + line[end:] break line_no += 1 else: raise MissingExpectedClauseError("Unable to find .SUBCKT clause in subcircuit") # This second loop finds the .ENDS clause while line_no < lines: line = self.netlist[line_no] if get_line_command(line) == '.ENDS': self.netlist[line_no] = '.ENDS ' + new_name + END_LINE_TERM break line_no += 1 else: raise MissingExpectedClauseError("Unable to find .SUBCKT clause in subcircuit") else: # Avoiding exception by creating an empty sub-circuit self.netlist.append("* SpiceEditor Created this sub-circuit") self.netlist.append('.SUBCKT %s%s' % (new_name, END_LINE_TERM)) self.netlist.append('.ENDS %s%s' % (new_name, END_LINE_TERM))
[docs] def get_component_info(self, component) -> dict: """ Retrieves the component information as defined in the corresponding REGEX. The line number is also added. :param component: Reference of the component :type component: str :return: Dictionary with the component information :rtype: dict :raises: UnrecognizedSyntaxError when the line doesn't match the expected REGEX. NotImplementedError of there isn't an associated regular expression for the component prefix. """ prefix = component[0] # Using the first letter of the component to identify what is it regex = component_replace_regexs.get(prefix, None) # Obtain RegX to make the update if regex is None: error_msg = f"Component must start with one of these letters: {','.join(REPLACE_REGXES.keys())}\n" \ f"Got {component}" _logger.warning(error_msg) raise NotImplementedError("Unsuported prefix {}".format(prefix)) line_no = self._get_line_starting_with(component) line = self.netlist[line_no] m = regex.match(line) if m is None: error_msg = 'Unsupported line "{}"\nExpected format is "{}"'.format(line, REPLACE_REGXES[prefix]) _logger.error(error_msg) raise UnrecognizedSyntaxError(line, REPLACE_REGXES[prefix]) info = m.groupdict() info['line'] = line_no # adding the line number to the component information return info
[docs] def get_parameter(self, param: str) -> str: """ Retrieves a Parameter from the Netlist :param param: Name of the parameter to be retrieved :type param: str :return: Value of the parameter being sought :rtype: str :raises: ParameterNotFoundError - In case the component is not found """ regx = re.compile(PARAM_REGEX % param, re.IGNORECASE) line_no, match = self._get_line_matching('.PARAM', regx) if match: return'value') else: raise ParameterNotFoundError(param)
[docs] def set_parameter(self, param: str, value: Union[str, int, float]) -> None: """Adds a parameter to the SPICE netlist. Usage: :: LTC.set_parameter("TEMP", 80) This adds onto the netlist the following line: :: .PARAM TEMP=80 This is an alternative to the set_parameters which is more pythonic in it's usage, and allows setting more than one parameter at once. :param param: Spice Parameter name to be added or updated. :type param: str :param value: Parameter Value to be set. :type value: str, int or float :return: Nothing """ regx = re.compile(PARAM_REGEX % param, re.IGNORECASE) param_line, match = self._get_line_matching('.PARAM', regx) if match: start, stop = match.span(regx.groupindex['replace']) line: str = self.netlist[param_line] self.netlist[param_line] = line[:start] + "{}={}".format(param, value) + line[stop:] else: # Was not found # the last two lines are typically (.backano and .end) insert_line = len(self.netlist) - 2 self.netlist.insert(insert_line, '.PARAM {}={} ; Batch instruction'.format(param, value) + END_LINE_TERM)
[docs] def set_component_value(self, device: str, value: Union[str, int, float]) -> None: """Changes the value of a component, such as a Resistor, Capacitor or Inductor. For components inside sub-circuits, use the sub-circuit designator prefix with ':' as separator (Example X1:R1) Usage: :: LTC.set_component_value('R1', '3.3k') LTC.set_component_value('X1:C1', '10u') :param device: Reference of the circuit element to be updated. :type device: str :param value: value to be set on the given circuit element. Float and integer values will be automatically formatted as per the engineering notations 'k' for kilo, 'm', for mili and so on. :type value: str, int or float :raises: ComponentNotFoundError - In case the component is not found ValueError - In case the value doesn't correspond to the expected format NotImplementedError - In case the circuit element is defined in a format which is not supported by this version. If this is the case, use GitHub to start a ticket. """ self._set_model_and_value(device, value)
[docs] def set_element_model(self, element: str, model: str) -> None: """Changes the value of a circuit element, such as a diode model or a voltage supply. Usage: :: LTC.set_element_model('D1', '1N4148') LTC.set_element_model('V1' "SINE(0 1 3k 0 0 0)") :param element: Reference of the circuit element to be updated. :type element: str :param model: model name of the device to be updated :type model: str :raises: ComponentNotFoundError - In case the component is not found ValueError - In case the model format contains irregular characters NotImplementedError - In case the circuit element is defined in a format which is not supported by this version. If this is the case, use GitHub to start a ticket. """ self._set_model_and_value(element, model)
[docs] def get_component_value(self, element: str) -> str: """ Returns the value of a component retrieved from the netlist. :param element: Reference of the circuit element to get the value. :type element: str :return: value of the circuit element . :rtype: str :raises: ComponentNotFoundError - In case the component is not found NotImplementedError - for not supported operations """ return self.get_component_info(element)['value']
[docs] def get_component_nodes(self, element: str) -> List[str]: """ Returns the nodes to which the component is attached to. :param element: Reference of the circuit element to get the nodes. :type element: str :return: List of nodes :rtype: list """ nodes = self.get_component_info(element)['nodes'] nodes = nodes.split() # Remove any spaces if they exist. This considers \r \n \t characters as well return nodes
[docs] def get_components(self, prefixes='*') -> list: """ Returns a list of components that match the list of prefixes indicated on the parameter prefixes. In case prefixes is left empty, it returns all the ones that are defined by the REPLACE_REGEXES. The list will contain the designators of all components found. :param prefixes: Type of prefixes to search for. Examples: 'C' for capacitors; 'R' for Resistors; etc... See prefixes in SPICE documentation for more details. The default prefix is '*' which is a special case that returns all components. :type prefixes: str :return: A list of components matching the prefixes demanded. """ answer = [] if prefixes == '*': prefixes = ''.join(REPLACE_REGXES.keys()) for line in self.netlist: if isinstance(line, SpiceCircuit): # Only gets components from the main netlist, # it currently skips sub-circuits continue tokens = line.split() try: if tokens[0][0] in prefixes: answer.append(tokens[0]) # Appends only the designators except IndexError or TypeError: pass return answer
[docs] def remove_component(self, designator: str) -> None: """ Removes a component from the design. Note: Current implementation only allows removal of a component from the main netlist, not from a sub-circuit. :param designator: Component reference in the design. Ex: V1, C1, R1, etc... :type designator: str :return: Nothing :raises: ComponentNotFoundError - When the component doesn't exist on the netlist. """ line = self._get_line_starting_with(designator) self.netlist[line] = '' # Blanks the line
[docs] @staticmethod def add_library_search_paths(paths: Union[str, List[str]]) -> None: """ Adding search paths for libraries. By default, the local directory and the ~username/"Documents/LTspiceXVII/lib/sub will be searched forehand. Only when a library is not found in these paths then the paths added by this method will be searched. Alternatively PyLTSpice.SpiceEditor.LibSearchPaths.append(paths) can be used." :param paths: Path to add to the Search path :type paths: str :return: Nothing :rtype: None """ global LibSearchPaths if isinstance(paths, str): LibSearchPaths.append(paths) elif isinstance(paths, list): LibSearchPaths += paths
[docs] def get_all_nodes(self) -> List[str]: """ A function that retrieves all nodes existing on a Netlist :returns: Circuit Nodes :rtype: list[str] """ circuit_nodes = [] for line in self.netlist: prefix = get_line_command(line) if prefix in component_replace_regexs: match = component_replace_regexs[prefix].match(line) if match: nodes ='nodes').split() # This separates by all space characters including \t for node in nodes: if node not in circuit_nodes: circuit_nodes.append(node) return circuit_nodes
[docs] def reset_netlist(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def write_netlist(self, run_netlist_file: Union[str, Path]) -> None: pass
[docs] def add_instruction(self, instruction: str) -> None: pass
[docs] def remove_instruction(self, instruction: str) -> None: pass
@property def circuit_file(self) -> Path: """This is only here to avoid breaking compatibility with the BaseEditor superclass. It will always return ''""" return Path('')
[docs]class SpiceEditor(SpiceCircuit): """ This class implements interfaces to manipulate SPICE netlist files. The class doesn't update the netlist file itself. After implementing the modifications the user should call the "write_netlist" method to write a new netlist file. :param netlist_file: Name of the .NET file to parse :type netlist_file: str or Path :param encoding: Forcing the encoding to be used on the circuit netlile read. Defaults to 'autodetect' which will call a function that tries to detect the encoding automatically. This however is not 100% fool proof. :type encoding: str, optional """ def __init__(self, netlist_file: Union[str, Path], encoding='autodetect'): super().__init__() self.netlist_file = Path(netlist_file) if self.netlist_file.suffix == '.asc': # TODO: This will no longer needed when AscEditor will be finished. from ..sim.ltspice_simulator import LTspice self.netlist_file = LTspice.create_netlist(self.netlist_file) self.modified_subcircuits = {} if encoding == 'autodetect': self.encoding = detect_encoding(self.netlist_file, '*') # Normally the file will start with a '*' else: self.encoding = encoding self.reset_netlist() @property def circuit_file(self) -> Path: return self.netlist_file def _set_model_and_value(self, component, value): prefix = component[0] # Using the first letter of the component to identify what is it if prefix == 'X' and SUBCKT_DIVIDER in component: # Relaces a component inside of a subciruit # In this case the sub-circuit needs to be copied so that is copy is modified. A copy is created for each # instance of a sub-circuit. component_split = component.split(SUBCKT_DIVIDER) modified_path = SUBCKT_DIVIDER.join(component_split[:-1]) # excludes last component component = component_split[-1] # This is the last component to modify if modified_path in self.modified_subcircuits: # See if this was already a modified sub-circuit instance sub_circuit = self.modified_subcircuits[modified_path] else: sub_circuit_original = self._get_subckt(modified_path) # If not will look for it. if sub_circuit_original: new_name = + '_' + '_'.join( component_split[:-1]) # Creates a new name with the path appended sub_circuit = sub_circuit_original.clone(new_name=new_name) # Memorize that the copy is relative to that particular instance self.modified_subcircuits[modified_path] = sub_circuit # Change the call to the sub-circuit self._set_model_and_value(modified_path, new_name) else: raise ComponentNotFoundError(component) # Change the copy of the sub-circuit related to that particular instance. sub_circuit._set_model_and_value(component, value) return # else: This is the generic case where the sub-circuit is changed super()._set_model_and_value(component, value)
[docs] def add_instruction(self, instruction: str) -> None: """Serves to add SPICE instructions to the simulation netlist. For example: .. code-block:: text .tran 10m ; makes a transient simulation .meas TRAN Icurr AVG I(Rs1) TRIG time=1.5ms TARG time=2.5ms" ; Establishes a measuring .step run 1 100, 1 ; makes the simulation run 100 times :param instruction: Spice instruction to add to the netlist. This instruction will be added at the end of the netlist, typically just before the .BACKANNO statement :type instruction: str :return: Nothing """ if not instruction.endswith(END_LINE_TERM): instruction += END_LINE_TERM if _is_unique_instruction(instruction): # Before adding new instruction, delete previously set unique instructions i = 0 while i < len(self.netlist): line = self.netlist[i] if _is_unique_instruction(line): self.netlist[i] = instruction break else: i += 1 elif get_line_command(instruction) == '.PARAM': raise RuntimeError('The .PARAM instruction should be added using the "set_parameter" method') # check whether the instruction is already there (dummy proofing) # TODO: if adding a .MODEL or .SUBCKT it should verify if it already exists and update it. if instruction not in self.netlist: # Insert before backanno instruction try: line = self.netlist.index( '.backanno\n') # TODO: Improve this. END of line termination could be differnt and case as well except ValueError: line = len(self.netlist) - 2 # This is where typically the .backanno instruction is self.netlist.insert(line, instruction)
[docs] def remove_instruction(self, instruction) -> None: """Usage a previously added instructions. Example: :: LTC.remove_instruction(".STEP run -1 1023 1") This only works if the instruction exactly matches the line on the netlist. This means that space characters, and upper case and lower case differences will not match the line. :param instruction: The list of instructions to remove. Each instruction is of the type 'str' :type instruction: str :returns: Nothing """ # TODO: Make it more inteligent so it recognizes .models, .param # and .subckt # Because the netlist is stored containing the end of line terminations and because they are added when they # they are added to the netlist. if not instruction.endswith(END_LINE_TERM): instruction += END_LINE_TERM self.netlist.remove(instruction)
[docs] def write_netlist(self, run_netlist_file: Union[str, Path]) -> None: """ Writes the netlist will all the requested updates into a file named <run_netlist_file>. :param run_netlist_file: File name of the netlist file. :type run_netlist_file: Path or str :returns: Nothing """ if isinstance(run_netlist_file, str): run_netlist_file = Path(run_netlist_file) run_netlist_file = run_netlist_file.with_suffix('.net') with open(run_netlist_file, 'w', encoding=self.encoding) as f: lines = iter(self.netlist) for line in lines: if isinstance(line, SpiceCircuit): line.write_lines(f) else: # Writes the modified sub-circuits at the end just before the .END clause if line.upper().startswith(".END"): # write here the modified sub-circuits for sub in self.modified_subcircuits.values(): sub.write_lines(f) f.write(line)
[docs] def reset_netlist(self) -> None: """ Removes all previous edits done to the netlist, i.e. resets it to the original state. :returns: Nothing """ self.netlist.clear() self.modified_subcircuits.clear() if self.netlist_file.exists(): with open(self.netlist_file, 'r', encoding=self.encoding, errors='replace') as f: lines = iter(f) # Creates an iterator object to consume the file finished = self._add_lines(lines) if not finished: raise SyntaxError("Netlist with missing .END or .ENDS statements") # else: # for _ in lines: # Consuming the rest of the file. # pass # print("Ignoring %s" % _) else: _logger.error("Netlist file not found")
[docs] @staticmethod def find_subckt_in_lib(library, subckt_name) -> Union['SpiceCircuit', None]: """ Finds returns a Subckt from a library file. :param library: path to the library to search :type library: str :param subckt_name: sub-circuit to search for :type subckt_name: str :return: Returns a SpiceCircuit instance with the sub-circuit found or None if not found :rtype: SpiceCircuit """ # 0. Setup things reg_subckt = re.compile(SUBCKT_CLAUSE_FIND + subckt_name, re.IGNORECASE) # 1. Find Encoding encoding = detect_encoding(library) # 2. scan the file with open(library, encoding=encoding) as lib: for line in lib: search = reg_subckt.match(line) if search: sub_circuit = SpiceCircuit() sub_circuit.netlist.append(line) # Advance to the next non nested .ENDS finished = sub_circuit._add_lines(lib) if finished: return sub_circuit # 3. Return an instance of SpiceCircuit return None
[docs] def run(self, wait_resource: bool = True, callback: Callable[[str, str], Any] = None, timeout: float = 600, run_filename: str = None, simulator=None): """ *(Deprecated)* Convenience function for maintaining legacy with legacy code. """ from ..sim.sim_runner import SimRunner Sim = SimRunner(simulator=simulator) return, wait_resource=wait_resource, callback=callback, timeout=timeout, run_filename=run_filename)
if __name__ == '__main__': E = SpiceEditor(os.path.abspath('..\\tests\\')) E.add_instruction(".nodeset V(N001)=0") E.write_netlist('..\\tests\\') E = SpiceEditor('..\\tests\\') print("Circuit Nodes", E.get_all_nodes()) E.add_library_search_paths([r"C:\SVN\Electronic_Libraries\LTSpice\lib"]) E.set_element_model("XU2", 324) E.set_component_value("XU1:XDUT:R77", 200) print(E.get_component_value('R1')) print("Setting R1 to 10k") E.set_component_value('R1', 10000) print("Setting parameter I1 1.23k") E.set_parameter("I1", "1.23k") print(E.get_parameter('I1')) print("Setting {freq*(10/5.0})") E.set_parameters(I2="{freq*(10/5.0})") print(E.get_parameter('I2')) print(E.get_components()) print(E.get_components('RC')) print("Setting C1 to 1µF") E.set_component_value("C1", '1µF') print("Setting C4 to 22nF") E.set_component_value("C4", 22e-9) print("Setting C3 to 120nF") E.set_component_value("C3", '120n') print(E.get_component_floatvalue("C1")) print(E.get_component_floatvalue("C3")) print(E.get_component_floatvalue("C4")) E.set_parameters( test_exiting_param_set1=24, test_exiting_param_set2=25, test_exiting_param_set3=26, test_exiting_param_set4=27, test_add_parameter=34.45, ) E.write_netlist("..\\tests\\")